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第8回 冬のワークショップ

Social Brain


Special Session :Social Brain
18:00-18:50 Neurogenetic mechanisms of social behavior
Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg(University of Heidelberg)
19:00-19:50 A shared circuit approach to social cognition
Christian Keysers(University of Groningen)
20:00-20:50 The leading eight: social norms that can maintain cooperation by indirect reciprocity.
Yoh Iwasa (Kyushu U.)
21:00-23:00 ポスターセッション
15:00-15:50 親子関係の分子神経基盤
16:00-16:50 Social Neurophysiology: a Science of Relationships
17:00-17:50 構成論的な進化モデルの研究で心の何がわかるか?
20:00-22:00 ポスターセッション
9:00-9:50 小脳長期抑制の持続相を決定するポジティブフィードバックメカニズム
田中敬子(Duke U.)
10:00-10:50 判断の柔軟性の脳内機構:タスクスイッチ課題中の大脳皮質MT野の活動
11:00-11:50 視覚運動変換適応における異なる時間スケール過程が示す汎化:


Abstracts and References:

Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg
"Neurogenetic mechanisms of social behavior"

Well-being and survival in primates, including humans, depends critically on social interactions, and disturbed social behavior is a key component of diseases such as autism, schizophrenia, and anxiety disorders. However, little is known about specific neurobiological factors shaping the human social brain. Since many aspects of social function are highly heritable (4), we have adopted a genetic approach to identify molecular and systems-level mechanisms of social cognition in humans. Studies in Williams Syndrome, a genetic condition with pronounced hypersociability, identified abnormal prefrontal regulation of amygala as a neural substrate of social fear regulation under genetic control. Studies of candidate gene polymorphisms (5-HTTLPR, MAOA vNTR) impacting on personality and emotional regulation impact on similar circuitry. In animals, oxytocin and vasopressin are key mediators of complex emotional and social behaviors, reduce anxiety and impact on fear conditioning and extinction. Recently, oxytocin administration in humans was shown to increase trust, suggesting involvement of the amygdala, a central component of the neurocircuitry of fear and social cognition that has been linked to trust and highly expresses oxytocin receptors in many mammals. We report on functional neuroimaging studies in healthy human subjects. In males receiving oxytocin or placebo, oxytocin potently reduced activation of the amygdala and reduced coupling of the amygdala to brainstem regions implicated in autonomic and behavioral manifestations of fear. We also report on imaging genetic studies characterizing the effects of genetic variation in the vasopressin receptor (AVPR1A) and the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR), implicated in risk for autism, on brain structure and function related to emotional regulation and social behavior. Taken together, the results suggest neural mechanisms for social cognition in the human brain that imply potential therapeutic uses.

Christian Keysers
"A shared circuit approach to social cognition"

We often effortlessly understand what goes on in other people despite the fact that their goals and feelings are hidden from sight inside of their brain. How do we do that? I will present evidence that suggests that while we view the actions of other people, we active our premotor, posterior parietal cortex and somatosensory cortex as if we executed similar actions. While we view the tactile sensations of other individuals, our somatosensory areas are activated as if we felt similar sensations. While viewing the emotions of other individuals finally, we activate our premotor and parietal areas as if executing similar facial expressions and our insula as if experiencing similar emotions. Overall, the stronger these mirror activations, the more empathic individuals appear on self report questionnaires of empathy. Together, this suggests that we may in part understand other individuals by simulating their actions, sensations and emotions

Link to references

Yoh Iwasa 巌佐 庸
"The leading eight: social norms that can maintain cooperation by
indirect reciprocity. "

Theory of indirect reciprocation explains the evolution of cooperation among unrelated individuals, engaging in one-shot interaction. Using reputation, a player acquires information on who are worth cooperating and who are not.
[1] We formalized the reputation dynamics, a rule to assign a binary reputation (good or bad) to each player when his action, his current reputation, and the opponent's reputation are given. We then examined all the possible reputation dynamics, and found that there exist only eight reputation dynamics named " leading eight" that can maintain the ESS with a high level of cooperation, even if errors are included in executing intended cooperation and in reporting the observation to the public.
[2] We also study the nature of these successful social norms. We characterize the role of each pivot of the reputation dynamics common to all of the leading eight. We conclude that keys to the success in indirect reciprocity are to be nice (maintenance of cooperation among themselves), retaliatory (detection of defectors, punishment, and justification of punishment), apologetic, and forgiving. Second we prove the two basic properties of the leading eight, which give quantitative evaluation of the ESS condition and the level of cooperation maintained at the ESS.
[3] Third, we extend the results to the situations in which players can choose costly punishment, as well as cooperation and defection. Results remain unchanged qualitatively.[4] Finally, we show that the reputation must be formed collectively in the society by gossip in addition to direct observation. This indicates that the language is the prerequisite to this cooperation mechanisms.

Ohtsuki, H. and Iwasa, Y. (2004),How should we define goodness ? - reputation dynamics in indirect reciprocity, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 231:107-120. [PDF]

Ohtsuki, H. and Iwasa, Y. (2006),The leading eight: Social norms that can maintain cooperation by indirect reciprocity, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 239:435-444.[PDF]

Ohtsuki, H. and Iwasa, Y. (2007),Grobal analyses of evolutionary dynamics and exhaustive search for social norms that maintain cooperation by reputation, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 244:518-531. [PDF]

Kumi Kuroda 黒田公美

Parent-infant relationship is a reciprocal process composed of parenting (from parents to infants) and attachment (from infants to parents). Proper parent-infant relationship is indispensable for the survival and the healthy development of the young in mammals. However, the brain mechanisms mediating these behaviors have not been studied intensively. To clarify the molecular signaling responsible for parental behavior, we have recently investigated gene expression profiles in the medial preoptic area (MPOA), a critical brain region for parental retrieving behavior (Kuroda K. O. et al., Mol. Cell. Neurosci. 36: 121-131, 2007). Our results suggest the pivotal role of ERK-FosB signaling in MPOA neurons for the initiation of parental care. The ultimate goal of our research is to elucidate the whole neural circuit mediating parent behavior, to prevent child maltreatment. The ongoing project to study infants' attachment behavior and the possible clinical implications will also be discussed.


Kuroda, K., Michael J., Meaney, M.J., Uetani, N., Fortin, Y., Ponton, A. and Kato, T. (2007), ERK-FosB signaling in dorsal MPOA neurons plays a major role in the initiation of parental behavior in mice, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, Volume36, Issue 2:121-131 [PDF]

黒田公美 (2007), 養育行動とその異常の分子神経機構, 実験医学 [PDF]

Naotaka Fujii 藤井 直敬
"Social Neurophysiology: a Science of Relationships"


Takaya Arita 有田 隆也
" 構成論的な進化モデルの研究で心の何がわかるか? "


高野雅典, 加藤正浩, 有田隆也 (2005), 心の理論における再帰のレベルの進化に関する構成論的手法に基づく検討, Cognitive Studies, 12(3): 221-233.[PDF]

Suzuki, R. and Arita, T., The Dynamic Changes in Roles of Learning through the Baldwin Effect [PDF]

Keiko Tanaka 田中敬子

運動学習に関係すると考えられている小脳長期抑制(long-term depression; LTD)は、平行繊維と登上繊維が同時に数分間刺激された後、平行繊維からプルキンエ細胞に入力するシナプス伝達効率が、数時間以上抑制されるという現象である。多くの研究により、刺激中に誘導される細胞内シグナル分子については詳細に検討され、特にカルシウム上昇の重要性は疑う余地のないもとのなっている。しかし、この一過性のカルシウムシグナルが引き金となって、どのように数時間にもわたる現象につながるのか、という時間的な推移については不明な点が多く残されている。そのような中以前に、MAPキナーゼ(MAPK), プロテインキナーゼC(PKC)を含むポジティブフィードバック機構が働くことにより、一過性のシグナルが60−90分持続するシグナルに変換されLTDが維持されるという、興味深いモデル(黒田モデル)が理論生物学的に提唱された。我々は、実験的にカルシウム濃度上昇とLTDとの関係を測定し、この関係が黒田モデルにより再現されることを示した (Tanaka et al., 2007)。また、ポジティブフィードバック機構を停止させた際、実験的にも理論生物学的にも同様に、この関係においてカルシウム感受性が低下することを示した。これらの結果は、ポジティブフィードバック機構が実際に細胞内で働くことを示唆するので、さらなるモデルの実験的な検証を試みた。まず、MAPKとPKCがお互いに他方の下流で活性化され、かつLTDを誘発するために必須であることを示し、これによりポジティブフィードバック機構の存在が明らかになった。さらに、PKCと、この機構に含まれる別の酵素であるホスホリパーゼA2(PLA2)が必要とされる時間帯を調べることにより、LTD誘発約30分後までポジティブフィードバック機構が働くことがわかった。以上により、ポジティブフィードバック機構が、一過性シグナルを持続的シグナルへ変換することによりLTDを維持するという黒田モデルを実証することができた。一般にポジティブフィードバック機構とはシグナルの持続時間を延長するために適していると考えられ、実際にこのような機構が小脳LTDで働くことがわかったことから、他のシナプス可塑性においても同様のポジティブフィードバック機構が働く可能性がある。一方で本研究により、この機構が働く時間帯は、提唱されていた60−90分よりも実際には短い時間であることがわかり、この30分以降の機構については、実験と理論とを組み合わせた更なる検討のターゲットとして考えている。

Tanaka, K., Khiroug, L., Santamaria, F., Doi, T., Ogasawara, H., Ellis-Davies, G., Kawato, M., Augustine, G. J. (2007) Ca2+ requirements for cerebellar long-term synaptic depression: role for a postsynaptic leaky integrator. Neuron 54; 787-800. [PDF]

Takanori Uka 宇賀貴紀


Hirokazu Tanaka 田中宏和


©2005 Mechanism of Brain and Mind