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第7回 冬のワークショップ



Special Session : Neuroeconomics
18:00-19:00 Reward prediction risk: the role of anterior insula in assessment and learning
Peter Bossaerts (California Institute of Technology)
19:15-20:15 A Neuroeconomic approach to understanding human decision-making
Alan Sanfey (University of Arizona)
Topics Session
15:00-15:50 採餌選択と生態学的合理性−利潤率の予期推定の機構
松島俊也(北海道大学 理学研究院)
16:05-16:55 Reward Prediction Error Computation in the Pedunculopontine Tegmental Nucleus Neurons
小林 康(大阪大学 生命機能研究科)
17:10-18:00 報酬の予測と評価における基底核線条体、黒質緻密部、および背側縫線核の役割
中村加枝(University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Topics Session
9:00-9:50 言語起源の生物学的研究のためのシナリオ
岡ノ谷一夫(理化学研究所 脳科学総合研究センター)
10:05-10:55 初期知覚系に潜むマルチモーダル信号
小村 豊(産業技術総合研究所 脳神経情報研究部門)
11:10-12:00 神経情報の符号化効率とその最適化から導かれるシナプス結合
豊泉太郎(理化学研究所 脳科学総合研究センター

Abstracts and References:

Peter Bossaerts
"Reward prediction risk: the role of anterior insula in assessment and learning"

In the context of probabilistic rewards, organisms must track not only predicted rewards, but also the level of risk associated with the predictions. In addition, they must monitor the errors in the risk predictions, and update these in light of new information. To date, it is not known whether, or how, the brain accomplishes this. Considerations from financial decision theory led us to hypothesize that the brain encodes a prediction risk signal and a prediction risk error signal. The talk discusses functional imaging evidence that an early-onset activation in the human insula correlates significantly with prediction risk error and that its time course is consistent with a role in rapid updating. Further, activation previously associated with prediction risk emerges with a delay, consistent with anticipation of resolution of uncertainty. The role of emotions in assessing prediction risk will also be assessed, as will be the nature (objective; subjective) of the assessments. The talk concludes with a discussion of a risk updating model that inherits the parsimony of TD models of reward prediction.

Alan Sanfey
"A Neuroeconomic approach to understanding human decision-making"

Investigations of decision-making have historically been approached by different disciplines, each using different techniques and assumptions, with few unifying efforts made. In recent years researchers in these fields have joined forces in an effort to better specify the foundations of decision-making. In one approach, this inter-disciplinary effort has begun to use decision theory to guide the search for the neural bases of reward value and predictability. Concurrently, another direction has been to begin to use these formal models to incorporate processes such as social reward and emotion. The combination of these diverse theoretical approaches and methodologies is already yielding significant progress in the construction of more comprehensive decision-making models, and this talk will present research conducted in our laboratory designed to address both of these research directions.

Link to References

Toshiya Matsushima 松島俊也


Aoki N, Csillag A, Matsushima T (2006) Localized lesion of arcopallium intermedium of the lateral forebrain reduced the choice of costly food reward without impairing reward-amount discrimination in the domestic chick.  European Journal of Neuroscience 24: 2314-2326.

Aoki N, Suzuki R, Izawa E.-I., Csillag A, Matsushima T (2006)  Localized lesions of the ventral striatum, but not the arcopallium, enhanced impulsiveness in the choice based on anticipated spatial proximity of food rewards.  Behavioural Brain Research, 168: 1-12.

Izawa E.-I., Aoki N, Matsushima T. (2005)  Neural correlates of the proximity and quantity of anticipated food rewards in the ventral striatum.  European Journal of Neuroscience, 22: 1502-1512.

Matsushima T (2005)  Selection pressure on the decision-making process in conflict.  Commentary to the review article entitled as “Survival with an asymmetric brain: advantages and disadvantages of cerebral lateralization” (by Vallortigara G. and Rogers L.J.)  Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 28: 604-605. 

松島俊也・青木直哉 (2005) 「ヒヨコの経済学:採餌効率に基づく選択」(総説)  認知科学12(3): 177-187.

Ichikawa Y, Izawa E.-I., Matsushima T (2004)  Excitotoxic lesions of the medial striatum delay extinction of a reinforcement color discrimination operant task in domestic chicks; a functional role of reward anticipation.  Cognitive Brain Research, 22: 76-83.

Izawa E.-I., Zachar G, Yanagihara S, Matsushima T (2003)  Localized lesion of caudal part of lobus parolfactorius caused impulsive choice in the domestic chick: evolutionarily conserved function of ventral striatum.  Journal of Neuroscience 23: 1894-1902.

Matsushima T, Izawa E.-I., Aoki N, Yanagihara S (2003)  The mind through chick eyes: memory, cognition and anticipation. (a review article) Zoological Science 20: 395-408.

Aoki N, Izawa E.-I., Yanagihara S, Matsushima T (2003)  Neural correlates of memorized associations and cued movements in archistriatum of the domestic chick.  European Journal of Neuroscience, 17: 1935-1946.

Yasushi Kobayashi 小林 康
"Reward Prediction Error Computation in the Pedunculopontine Tegmental Nucleus Neurons"

Several lines of evidence lead the reward based learning theory that midbrain dopamine (DA) neurons send a teaching signal (the reward prediction error signal) to control synaptic plasticity of the projection area.
However, the underling mechanism of where and how to compute reward prediction error signal still remains unclear. Since the cholinergic pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPTN) in the brainstem is one of the strongest excitatory input sources to DA neurons, we hypothesized that the PPTN may play an important role in activating DA neurons and reinforcement learning by relaying necessary signals for reward prediction error computation on DA neurons. To investigate the involvement of the PPTN neurons in computation of reward prediction error, we used visually guided saccade task during recording of neuronal activity in monkeys. We conclude that PPTN neurons may relay excitatory component of tonic reward prediction and phasic primary reward signals, allowing new computational theory of reward prediction error in DA neurons.

Kobayashi Y, Inoue Y, Yamamoto M, Isa T, Aizawa H. (2002) Contribution of pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus neurons to performance of visually guided saccade tasks in monkeys. Journal of Neurophysiology. 88(2):715-31, Aug.

Kobayashi Y, Isa T. (2002) Sensory-motor gating and cognitive control by the brainstem cholinergic system. Neural Networks. Jun-Jul;15(4-6):731-41.

Kae Nakamura 中村加枝


Nakamura K, Hikosaka O (2006) Facilitation of saccadic eye movements by post-saccadic electrical stimulation in the primate caudate. Journal of Neuroscience. (in press)

Nakamura K, Hikosaka O (2006) Role of Dopamine in the Primate Caudate Nucleus in Reward Modulation of Saccades. Journal of Neuroscience. 26(20):5360-5369.

Kazuo Okanoya 岡ノ谷一夫
" 言語起源の生物学的研究のためのシナリオ "


Okanoya K, Merker B (2005) Neural Substrates for String-Context Mutual Segmentation: A Path to Human Language. "Emergence of Communication and Language" Edited by Lyon C et al. 436(7047): 71-7. In press.

Yutaka Komura 小村 豊

目や耳などの感覚器を経由した五感の情報は、いったん視床を経由して、大脳皮質に到達する。これまで、知覚のリアリティーは、大脳皮質によって支えられていると信じられてきた。一方、視床は、単一の感覚情報を大脳新皮質に中継している機能しかもたないと思われてきた。しかし、脳の深部に微小電極をおろして、そのニューロン活動を、注意深く検証すると、想像以上に、巧妙な情報処理を司っていることが分かってきた。本講演では、主に、従来、聴覚情報のみ処理して いると考えられてきた領域(内側膝状体)を例にとって、「聴覚ならざる情報」が、入り込んでいる実態を紹介し、その意義について議論したい。

Taro Toyoizumi 豊泉太郎


Toyoizumi T, Aihara K, Amari S (2006) Fisher Information for Spike-Based Populaion Decoding. Physical Review Letters. 97, 098102.

Toyoizumi T, Pfister J.P. Aihara K, Gerstner W (2005) Generalized Bienenstock-Cooper-Munro rule for spiking neurons that
maximizes information transmission. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 102, 5239-5244.

©2005 Mechanism of Brain and Mind