第13回 冬のワークショップ

快・不快 "Pleasure and Pain"


ノースウイング コンベンションホール 18番ホール 


快・不快 "Pleasure and Pain"
9日 スペシャルセッション
18:10-19:00 松元健二(玉川大学)
19:10-20:00 Dana M Small(Yale University)
20:10-21:00 Kent Berridge(University of Michigan)
21:00-23:00 ポスターセッション
10日 トピックセッション
15:30-16:20 風間北斗 (RIKEN)
16:30-17:20 内田直滋 (Harvard University)
17:30-18:20 三浦 佳二(東北大学)
20:00-22:00 ポスターセッション
11日 トピックセッション
 9:00-9:50 山本慎也 (産業技術総合研究所)
 10:00-10:50 山本真也(京都大学)
 11:00-11:50 渡邊正峰(東京大学)

Abstracts and References:

Kenji Matsumoto
松元健二 (玉川大学)

Neural Basis of Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination

Contrary to the widespread belief that people are positively motivated by reward incentives, some studies have shown that performance-based extrinsic reward can actually undermine a person’s intrinsic motivation to engage in a task. This “undermining effect” presents a theoretical challenge for economic and reinforcement learning theories, which tend to assume that monetary incentives monotonically increase motivation. In order to uncover its neural basis, we induced the undermining effect behaviorally using an inherently interesting task (stopwatch task), and tracked its neural correlates using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). We found that performance-based monetary reward indeed undermined intrinsic motivation, as assessed by the number of voluntary engagements in the task. Moreover, striatal responses to success feedback (compared to failure feedback) and prefrontal responses to the stopwatch-task start cue (compared with the control-task start cue) decreased along with the behavioral undermining effect. These findings suggest that the corticobasal ganglia-valuation system generates the undermining effect through the integration of extrinsic reward value and intrinsic task value.
A leading theory of intrinsic motivation (self-determination theory) states that the feeling of self-determination to do a task underlies intrinsic motivation for the task. In order to reveal the neural basis of this effect we used fMRI to compare brain activity in response to success and failure feedback during stopwatch trials in which the stopwatch chosen by the subjects (self-determined choice (SC) condition) and those in which the stopwatch was chosen by the computer (forced choice (FC) condition). Behaviorally, the SC condition indeed enhanced performance compared to the FC condition. Neurally, only failure feedback during the FC condition elicited a significant drop in vmPFC activation, while no such choice condition x feedback type interaction was observed in the striatum. These results indicate that negative reward value associated with failure feedback vanished in the SC condition. Moreover, the vmPFC resilience to failure was significantly correlated with the increased performance associated with self-determined choice. These findings suggest that the vmPFC plays a unique and critical role in the facilitative effects of self-determined choice on motivation and performance.

Murayama, K., Matsumoto, M., Izuma, K. & Matsumoto, K. (2010) Neural basis of the undermining effect of monetary reward on intrinsic motivation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 107, 20911-20916.

Dana M Small
Yale University

Flavor preference formation in humans: Mind versus metabolism

Experimental animals readily and quickly increase their intake of flavors associated with intragastric glucose infusion and chose to consume these flavors (when sampled in the absence of calories) over water or even saccharin, which is a highly preferred solution (Sclafani, 2004). This “flavor nutrient learning” indicates that the post-ingestive effects of nutrients are either more potent reinforcers than the pleasures evoked by oral sensations, or that post-ingestive signals increase the perceived pleasantness of foods to thereby drive intake. To answer these questions we have conducted a series of functional neuroimaging studies in humans, who can readily use rating scales to report subjective liking for flavors before and after they are associated with calories. We report that post-oral signals generated by carbohydrate ingestion produce weak but perceptually meaningful increases in liking for the flavors when later sampled in the absence of calories, and we demonstrate that these increases in liking are reflected by responses in the anterior insula. This indicates that post-oral signals can influence neural coding of flavors to increase perceived pleasure. However, this weak perceptual effect contrasts with robust brain responses that are tightly coupled to the caloric dose with which flavors were previously associated, and to the ability of calorie to induce a change in blood glucose levels at the time of conditioning. Moreover, these “biological utility” brain responses are not related to flavor liking. Thus our findings indicate that there are separate circuits for conditioning liking versus biological utility. Critically, when participants are asked to select which of two flavored beverages they would like to consume all but one selected the flavor that had been paired with calories over the equally liked 0-calorie paired flavor. We conclude that the ability of our physiology to transform post-ingestive signals into liking of foods is weak. Instead, our findings suggest that change in blood glucose is a critical post-ingestive signal that induces neuroplasticity to code biological utility and guide food choice independently from conscious perceptions of pleasure.

Kent Berridge
James Olds Collegiate Professor of Psychology & Neuroscience University of Michigan

Brain Limbic Generators for Delight, Desire, and Dread

Clinical disorders of addiction, binge eating, depression and schizophrenia often involve intense psychopathological mood or motivation states. So it is of interest to understand how limbic brain circuits (involving nucleus accumbens) generate intense motivational states of reward ‘wanting’ and ‘liking’, and also of fearful or aversive states.
Affective neuroscience studies indicate that ‘wanting’ a reward is generated by a different
brain mechanism from ‘liking’ the same reward. The difference between wanting vs liking has implications for understanding addiction and related disorders. Yet surprisingly, desire and fear can both can both be generated by an overlapping mechanism, which may have different modes for each. This lecture will address such dissociations and convergence in affective brain mechanisms.

Hokto Kazama
風間北斗(理化学研究所 脳科学総合研究センター)



Kazama, H. and Wilson, R.I. (2009). Origins of correlated activity in an olfactory circuit. Nature Neuroscience 12, 1136-1144.
Kazama, H. and Wilson, R.I. (2008). Homeostatic matching and nonlinear amplification at identified central synapses. Neuron 58, 401-413.

Naoshige Uchida

Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Center for Brain Science

Dissecting computations in the dopamine reward circuit

We make decisions based not only on current sensory inputs but also on the consequences of previous decisions. How do animals learn from the consequences of previous decisions? Psychological studies of animal learning have shown that temporal contiguity between two events (e.g. a sensory cue and reward) is not sufficient for establishing associations between them. Instead, the efficiency of learning critically depends on the discrepancy between predicted and actual outcomes (i.e. prediction errors) (Kamin, 1969; Rescorla and Wagner, 1972).
Neurophysiological studies in non-human primates have shown that dopamine neurons in the midbrain signal discrepancies between expected and actual reward, i.e., they compute reward prediction error (Schultz et al., 1997). Because these firing patterns closely resemble a teaching signal used in machine learning theories (Sutton and Barto, 1998), this finding sparked great enthusiasm for understanding the function of dopamine neurons on a firm theoretical footing. Despite such interest, how dopamine neurons compute reward prediction error remains a mystery. To address how dopamine neurons compute reward prediction error, we have been taking a multidisciplinary approach using a mouse model amenable to emerging genetic and molecular techniques. In this talk, I will discuss our recent progress in dissecting neural circuits involved in reward prediction error calculations.

Cohen et al., Nature 2012
Watabe-Uchida et al., Neuron 2012

Keiji Miura
三浦 佳二 (東北大学)

Near zero noise correlations underlie efficient population codes in olfactory cortex

Neural representations can in general be elaborated over ensembles of neurons. In the simplest case, integration of spikes across neurons can improve signal to noise.However, positive inter-neuronal correlations in noise (trial-to-trial variability) curtail the benefits of integration, a factor thought to play a major role in the neural coding of visual stimuli (Zohary et al., 1994).
Here we investigated the impact of noise correlations in the odor coding in the rat anterior piriform cortex (aPC) by combining the tetrode recording and simulation.Surprisingly,whereas noise correlations in visual cortex are substantial (0.1-0.2), in aPC they were near zero even for pairs having similar odor tunings (mean responses).Importantly, noise correlations in aPC were dynamic, being lower during odor presentation and higher before odor presentation. In the simulation, the correlated noise drastically degraded the odor representation measured as the decoding accuracy. Together, decorrelated noise structures through dynamical processes during active sampling are important components of efficient neural representations of odor in the aPC.

Odor Representations in Olfactory Cortex: Distributed Rate Coding and Decorrelated Population Activity
Keiji Miura, Zachary F. Mainen and Naoshige Uchida,
Neuron 74, 1087–1098, 2012

Shinya Yamamoto

Integrating and segregating sensory information

We understand the world by collecting multiple sensory information. Such information has several aspects, for example, the types of modalities (e.g., visual, auditory, and tactile) and the properties of events (e.g., what, where, when). Those signals should be sometimes integrated and sometimes segregated to reconstruct external events in the brain. However, it is still unclear how the brain assesses the relationship between multiple sensory signals. In this symposium, I will talk about our two recent studies to address this question. First, I will introduce our psychophysical study showing that both the integration and segregation mechanisms are at work in the multimodal processing and are balanced with each other. Second, I will present the evidence from our physiological study demonstrating that both ‘what’ and ‘where’ information is integrated in the tail part of the caudate nucleus, and that the integrated signal is transformed to saccadic eye movements to particular visual objects in particular locations. Finally, I will raise the future questions to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the integration and segregation of sensory signals.


Yamamoto S, Miyazaki M, Iwano T, Kitazawa S. Bayesian calibration of
simultaneity in audiovisual temporal order judgments. PLoS One. 2012;7(7):e40379.
Epub 2012 Jul 9.

Yamamoto S, Monosov IE, Yasuda M, Hikosaka O. What and where information in
the caudate tail guides saccades to visual objects. J Neurosci. 2012 Aug
8;32(32):11005-16. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0828-12.2012.

Shinya Yamamoto




Yamamoto, S., Humle, T., & Tanaka, M. (2012) Chimpanzees’ flexible
targeted helping based on an understanding of conspecifics’ goals.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109 (9), 3588-3592.
(doi: 10.1073/pnas.1108517109)

Yamamoto, S., Humle, T., & Tanaka, M. (2012) Chimpanzees’ flexible
targeted helping based on an understanding of conspecifics’ goals.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109 (9), 3588-3592.
(doi: 10.1073/pnas.1108517109)

Yamamoto, S., Humle, T., & Tanaka, M. (2012) Chimpanzees’ flexible
targeted helping based on an understanding of conspecifics’ goals.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109 (9), 3588-3592.
(doi: 10.1073/pnas.1108517109)

Yamamoto, S., & Takimoto, A. (2012) Empathy and fairness:
psychological mechanisms for eliciting and maintaining prosociality
and cooperation in primates. Social Justice Research, 25(3), 233-255.

Yamamoto, S., Humle, T., & Tanaka, M.(2009) Chimpanzees help each
other upon request. PLoS ONE, 4 (10): e7416.

Yamamoto, S., & Tanaka, M.(2009)Do chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)
spontaneously take turns in a reciprocal cooperation task? Journal of
Comparative Psychology, 123 (3), 242-249.


Masataka Watanabe
渡辺正峰 (東京大学大学院)


視覚的意識の脳神経機序の解明に向けて数多くの研究がなされてきた。本発表では「意識内容の変化に応じる脳部位」をとりあげる。両眼視野闘争を用いた従来研究により、低次視覚系のV1、LGNから高次のIT , MST, PFCに至るまで、「見え」の有無に応じて脳活動が変動することが示され、意識内容の変化に応じる神経活動が視覚系全体に広がっているとの見方が一般的となっている。そこで私たちは、視覚的注意の効果が結果に干渉していた可能性に着目した。つまり、従来研究では注意が独立に操作されていなかったため、「見え」の有無に合わせて 視覚的注意の度合いが増減し、それが脳活動 に影響を及ぼしていたとの懸念だ。実験手法としては、Tsuchiya & Kochによる Continuous Flash Suppressionをもとに視覚ターゲットへの注意の有無と「見え」の有無を独立に操作したもとで、視覚ターゲットに相当するfMRI信号を解析した 。その結果、V1ボールド信号が注意の変化には応ずるが、「見え」の有無には応じないことが明らかとなり、視覚的意識を担う神経機序の下限が示唆された。


主催 包括型脳科学研究推進支援ネットワーク
構成論的発達科学 —胎児からの発達原理の解明に基づく発達障害のシステム的理解−
大阪大学 グローバルCOEプログラム「認知脳理解に基づく未来工学創成」
玉川大学 グローバルCOEプログラム「 社会に生きる心の創成」
共催 東京大学最先端数理モデル連携研究センター

©2012 Mechanism of Brain and Mind