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第11回 冬のワークショップ


Special Session:座長(坂上 雅道)
18:00-18:50 Reputation-based cooperation: evolutionary origin of indirect reciprocity.
大槻 久(東京工業大学)
19:00-19:50 Neuroscience of Primate Intellectual Evolution
入来 篤史(理化学研究所)
20:00-20:50 Color, Illusions, "X-ray" and Reading: Four Stories in the Evolution of Vision
Mark Changizi(Human Cognition, 2AI Labs)
21:00-23:00 ポスターセッション
Topic Session:座長(北澤 茂)
15:30-16:20 ウェーブレット・フレームによる視覚の数理モデルと明暗及び幾何的錯視への応用
新井 仁之(東京大学大学院)
16:30-17:20 神経行動学から考える『生まれと育ち』:何を学べて何を学べないのか?それはどうやって制御されているのか
和多 和宏(北海道大学)
17:30-18:20 柔軟な両腕協調運動を実現する運動学習メカニズム
野崎 大地(東京大学大学院)
20:00-22:00 ポスターセッション
Topic Session):座長(五味 裕章)
09:00-09:50 Monitoring other’s action and the role of the medial frontal cortex
磯田 昌岐(PREST/理化学研究所)
10:00-10:50 サルに見られるデフォルト脳活動
渡辺 正孝(東京都神経科学総合研究所)
11:00-11:50 お金の分配に見られる個人差の脳内メカニズム
春野 雅彦(PREST/玉川大学)

Abstracts and References:

大槻 久
Hisashi Ohtsuki

"Reputation-based cooperation: evolutionary origin of indirect reciprocity.”

Social exchange forms the basis for human cooperation. Indirect reciprocity refers to the mechanism where a donor of help receives cooperation not from the beneficiary but from a their party who knows of donor's good deed. Recent theoretical models have revealed that indirect reciprocity can stably sustain cooperation if and only if members of the community adopts some specific rules to assign reputations to others. I'll talk about theoretical studies on these rules, namely social norms, and show how evolutionary models contribute to the understanding of human moral systems.

[1] Nowak, M. A. and Sigmund, K. 1998.
Evolution of indirect reciprocity by image scoring.
Nature 393, 573-577.

[2] Wedekind, C. and Milinski, M. 2000.
Cooperation through image scoring in humans.
Science 288, 850-852.

[3] Milinski, M. et al. 2001.
Cooperation through indirect reciprocity: image scoring or standing strategy?
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 268, 2495-2501.

[4] Ohtsuki, H. and Iwasa, Y. 2004.
How should be define goodness?--reputation dynamics in indirect reciprocity.
J. Theor. Biol. 231, 107-120

[5] Bolton, G. E., Katok, E. and Ockenfels, A. 2005.
Cooperation among strangers with limited information about reputation.
J. Pub. Econ. 89, 1457-1468.

[6] Nowak, M. A and Sigmund, K. 2005.
Evolution of indirect reciprocity.
Nature 437, 1291-1298.

Astushi Iriki

"Neuroscience of Primate Intellectual Evolution”

We trained Japanese macaque monkeys to use tools, an advanced cognitive function monkeys do not exhibit in the wild, and then examined their brains for signs of modification. Following tool-use training, we observed neurophysiological, molecular genetic and morphological changes within the monkey brain. Despite being 'artificially' induced, these novel behaviours and neural connectivity patterns reveal overlap with those of humans. Thus, they may provide us with a novel experimental platform for studying the mechanisms of human intelligence, for revealing the evolutionary path that created these mechanisms from the 'raw material' of the non-human primate brain, and for deepening our understanding of what cognitive abilities are and of those that are not uniquely human. On these bases, we propose a theory of 'intentional niche construction' as an extension of natural selection in order to reveal the evolutionary mechanisms that forged the uniquely intelligent human brain.

1) Iriki A (2010) Neural reuse: A polysemous and redundant biological system subserving niche-construction.
Behav Brain Sci. 33: 276-277.

2) Iriki A, Sakura O (2008) The neuroscience of primate intellectual evolution: natural selection and passive and intentional niche construction.
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 363: 2229-2241.

3) Iriki A (2006) The neural origins and implications of imitation, mirror neurons and tool use.
Curr Opin Neurobiol. 16: 660-667.

URL for references above:

Mark Changizi

"Color, Illusions, "X-ray" and Reading: Four Stories in the Evolution of Vision”

Why do humans see in color? Why do we have eyes on the front of our heads rather than on the sides, like horses? Why do we suffer from geometrical illusions? And how is it that we find it so easy to read when written language did not exist until a few thousand years ago -- a virtual millisecond in evolutionary time? I present my research into the design principles behind color vision, binocular vision, illusions and reading.

Changizi MA & Shimojo S (2008) "X-ray vision" and the evolution of forward-facing eyes. Journal of Theoretical Biology 254: 756-767. [ ]

Changizi MA, Hsieh A, Nijhawan R, Kanai R & Shimojo S (2008) Perceiving-the-present and a systematization of illusions. Cognitive Science 32: 459-503. [ ]

Changizi MA, Zhang Q & Shimojo S (2006) Bare skin, blood, and the evolution of primate color vision. Biology Letters 2: 217-221. [ ]

Changizi MA, Zhang Q, Ye H & Shimojo S (2006) The structures of letters and symbols throughout human history are selected to match those found in objects in natural scenes. The American Naturalist 167: E117-E139. [ ]

新井 仁之
Hitoshi Arai




[1] H. Arai and S. Arai, Framelet analysis of some geometrical illusions,Japan J. Indust. Appl. Math. 27 (2010),
[2] H. Arai and S. Arai, 2D tight framelets with orientation selectivity suggested by vision science
(Invited Paper), JSIAM Letters 1 (2009), 9-12

[3] 新井仁之,視覚の科学と数学,『数理科学』No.542(2008)-No.547(2009)に連載.

[4] H. Arai, Achromatic and chromatic visual information processing and discrete wavelets (Invited Paper), Frontiers of Computational Science (Springer-Verlag), 2007, pp.83-89.

[5] H. Arai, A nonlinear model of visual information processing based on discrete maximal overlap wavelet,Interdisciplinary Information Sciences 11 (2005), pp. 177-190.

[6] 新井仁之,ウェーブレット,共立出版,2010. ISBN  978-4-320-01698-9

Home Page :

和多 和宏
Kazuhiro Wada



Kubikova L, Wada K, Jarvis ED.
Dopamine receptors in a songbird brain.
J. Comp. Neurol. 518:741-69. 2010

Liu WC, Wada K, Nottebohm F.
Variable food begging calls are harbingers of vocal learning.
PLoS ONE. 16:e5929. 2009

Horita H, Wada K, Jarvis ED
Early onset of deafning-induced song deterioration and differential requirements of the pallial-basal ganglia vocal pathway
Eur J Neurosci 28:2519-2532.2008

Wada K, Howard JT, McConnell P, Whitney O, Lints T, Rivas MV, , Horita H, Patterson MA, White SA, Scharff C, Haesler S, Zhao S, Sakaguchi H, Hagiwara M, Shiraki T, Hirozane-Kishikawa T, Skene P, Hayashizaki Y, Carninci P, Jarvis ED
A molecular neuroethological approach for identifying and characterizing a cascade of behaviorally regulated genes.
PNAS 103:15212-15217. 2006

Wada K, Sakaguchi H, Jarvis ED, Hagiwara M
Differential expression of glutamate receptors in avian neural pathway for learned vocalization
J.Comp.Neurology.476: 44-64, 2004

Daichi Nozaki



Ikegami T, Hirashima M, Taga G, Nozaki D. Asymmetric transfer of visuomotor learning between discrete and rhythmic movements. J. Neurosci. 30:4515-4521, 2010

Nozaki D, Scott SH. Multi-compartment model can explain partial transfer of learning within the same limb between unimanual and bimanual reaching. Exp. Brain Res. 194:451-463, 2009

Nozaki D, Kurtzer I, Scott SH. Limited transfer of learning between unimanual and bimanual skills within the same limb. Nat. Neurosci. 9:1364-1366, 2006

Poggio T, Bizzi E. Generalization in vision and motor control. Nature 431:768-774, 2004

Pouget A, Snyder A. Computational approaches to sensorimotor transformations. Nat. Neurosci. 3:1192-1198, 2000

Home Page:

Masaki Isoda

"Monitoring other’s action and the role of the medial frontal cortex

My talk will focus on two issues in the field of social cognition. The first concerns the question of how the brain represents actions of other individuals. The second concerns the way in which the brain monitors the correctness of other’s actions, thereby guiding appropriate actions of one’s own. I will show recent findings obtained in our laboratory suggesting that the medial frontal cortex (MFC) of the macaque is involved in self-other distinction in the domain of motor act. Our data also show that the MFC plays a part in the detection of other’s action error and in the subsequent behavioral adjustments. The MFC may constitute a critical node in the social brain networks for monitoring other’s action and learning from it.

Amodio, D.M. & Frith, C.D. (2006) Meeting of minds: the medial frontal cortex and social cognition. Nat Rev Neurosci 7: 268-277.

Rizzolatti, G. & Sinigaglia, C. (2010) The functional role of the parieto-frontal mirror circuit: interpretations and misinterpretations. Nat Rev Neurosci 11: 264-274.

Hikosaka, O. & Isoda, M. (2010) Switching from automatic to controlled behavior: cortico-basal ganglia mechanisms. Trends Cogn Sci 14: 154-161.

Masataka Watanabe


Raichle, ME. (2010) Two views of brain function. Trends Cogn Sci.

Raichle, ME. (2009) A paradigm shift in functional brain imaging. J
Neurosci. 29:12729-12734.

Kojima, T., Onoe, H., Hikosaka, K, Tsutsui, K, Tsukada, H and Watanabe,
M. (2009) Default mode of brain activity demonstrated by PET imaging in
awake monkeys. higher rest-related than working memory-related activity
in medial cortical areas. J Neurosci. 29:14464-14471.

Masahiko Haruno


ヒトの社会性の基礎である分配行動における個人差の脳内メカニズムについて議論します。社会心理学の分野で分配行動の"直観的ヒューリスティックス"として知られるsocial value orientationでは、他者との報酬の和を最大にし差を最少にする向社会的な人、自分の報酬のみを最大にする個人主義的な人、他者との差を最大化する競合的な人、を区別します。今回の講演では、social value orientationに関する機能イメージング実験を主な題材とし、向社会的な人の行動は報酬差に対する扁桃体の活動から予測できることや、social value orientationが直観的な反応であるという仮説の妥当性などについて議論したいと考えています。

Haruno, M. , Frith, CD. (2010) Activity in the amygdale elicited by unfair divisions predicts social value orientation, Nat Neurosci., 13(2):160-161.

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