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第10回 冬のワークショップ

Consciousness and Unconsciousness


Special Session: Consciousness and Unconsciousness (座長:五味 裕章)
18:20-19:10 Decision making and reward : concerning implicit brain functions
下條信輔 (California Institute of Technology)
19:10-20:00 Do humans have Conscious Free Will?
Patrick Haggard (University College London)
20:10-21:00 Roles of attention, reward and consciousness in plasticity of visual representations
渡邊武郎 (Boston University)
21:00-23:00 ポスターセッション
Topic Session (座長:北澤 茂)
15:30-16:20 Perceptual learning and brain activation
佐々木由香 (Harvard Medical School)
16:30-17:20 Expert perception and memory in shogi (a Japanese chess); strategy and neural activity characterize level of expertise
中谷裕教(理化学研究所 脳科学総合研究センター)
17:30-18:20 Chimpanzees' understanding of self and others
20:00-22:00 ポスターセッション
Topic Session (座長:坂上 雅道)
09:00-09:50 fMRI studies of social affective neuroscience-from self-conscious emotions perspective
fMRIによる社会感情神経科学―Self-conscious emotionsを中心に
高橋英彦(放射線医学総合研究所・JST/PRESTO 脳情報の解読と制御)
10:00-10:50 Putting Fear in Context: Acquisition and consolidation of Hippocampal-dependent conditioning
Thomas J. McHugh(RIKEN BSI)
11:00-11:50 Activity-dependent development of microcircuits in visual cortex

Abstracts and References:

Shinsuke Shimojo

"Decision making and reward : concerning implicit brain functions”

Decision making is not an exception to the general "rule of thumb" in that it is supported and preceded by implicit brain functions. Such implicit functions may be characterized with influences on choice behavior which are typically task-irrelevant, reflexive, and fast. In this talk, I will give a quick overview of the JST.ERATO Shimojo Implicit Brain Function Project, and address issues such as; (a) What are behavioral and neural correlates of preference decision making, (b) How implicit and explicit processes are segregated and/or interplay, and (c) Is there single "common currency" across various sorts of reward in the brain.

Simon C, Shimojo S (2006) Early interacions between orienting, visual sampling and decision making in facial preference. Vision Research 46 (2006): 3331-3335.

Kim H, Adolphs R, O'Dohery JP, Shimojo S (2007) Temporal isolation of neural processes underlying face preference decisions. PNAS 104(46): 18253-18258.

Kim H, Shimojo S, O'Doherty JP (2006) Is avoiding an aversive outcome rewarding? Neural substrates of avoidance learning in the human brain. PLoS Biol 4(8): e233.

Patrick Haggard
"Do humans have Conscious Free Will?”

The capacity for voluntary action is seen as essential to human nature. Yet neuroscience and behaviourist psychology have traditionally dismissed the topic as unscientific, perhaps because the mechanisms that cause actions have long been unclear. However, new research has identified networks of brain areas, including the pre-supplementary motor area, the anterior prefrontal cortex and the parietal cortex, that underlie voluntary action. These areas generate information for forthcoming actions, and also cause the distinctive conscious experience of intending to act and then controlling one’s own actions. Volition consists of a series of decisions regarding whether to act, what action to perform and when to perform it. Neuroscientific accounts of voluntary action may inform wider debates about the nature of individual responsibility.

Haggard P (2008). Human volition: towards a neuroscience of will. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 9, 934-946.

Brass M & Haggard P. (2008). The 'what, when, whether' model of intentional action. Neuroscientist, 14, 319-325.

Takeo Watanabe

"Roles of attention, reward and consciousness in plasticity of visual representations”

My talk will focus on two factors that guide plasticity of visual representations. First, reinforcers cause the global release of diffusive neuromodulatory signals that gate plasticity, with or without going through consciousness processing. Second, attentional feedback signal highlights the chain of neurons between sensory and motor cortex responsible for the selected action. I here propose that the attentional feedback signals guide learning by suppressing plasticity of irrelevant features while permitting the learning of relevant ones. By hypothesizing that sensory signals that are too weak to be consciously perceived can escape from this inhibitory feedback, we have brought attentional learning theories and theories that emphasized the importance of neuromodulatory signals into a single unified framework.

Watanabe, T., Sasaki, Y. & Nanez, J. (2001) "Perceptual learning without perception", Nature,413, 844-848.

Watanabe, T. et al (2002) "Greater plasticity in lower-level than in higher-level visual motion processing in a passive perceptual learning task", Nature Neuroscience, 5(10):1003-9

Seitz, A.R. & Watanabe, T. (2003) "Is subliminal learning really passive?" Nature, 422, 36.

Tsushima Y, Sasaki Y, & Watanabe T. (2006) "Greater Disruption Due to Failure of Inhibitory Control on an Ambiguous Distractor", Science, 314, 1786-1788.

Seitz AR, Kim, D., & Watanabe, T. (2009) "Rewards Evoke Learning of Unconsciously Processed Visual Stimuli in Adult Humans", Neuron, 61(5):700-707.

Sasaki, Y., Nanez, J., & Watanabe, T. (2009) Advances in visual perceptual learning and plasticity. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, in press.

Yuka Sasaki


訓練と睡眠は知覚学習成績を向上させる。しかし、それら訓練と睡眠に伴う神経対応についてはよくわかっていない。今回、講演では知覚学習の一種であるテクスチャー弁別課題(Karni & Sagi, 1991)の訓練時および、訓練後の睡眠中の脳活動について、特に、一次視覚野の脳活動について、functional MRI を用いて我々が発見したことについてお話をしたい。

(1) Neuron. 2008 Mar 27;57(6):827-33.
Different dynamics of performance and brain activation in the time course of perceptual learning.
Yotsumoto Y, Watanabe T, Sasaki Y.

(2) Curr Biol. 2009 Aug 11;19(15):1278-82. Epub 2009 Jul 2.
Location-specific cortical activation changes during sleep after training for perceptual learning. Yotsumoto Y, Sasaki Y, Chan P, Vasios CE, Bonmassar G, Ito N, Náñez JE Sr, Shimojo S, Watanabe T.

(3) Sasaki, Y., Nanez, J., & Watanabe, T. (2009) Advances in visual perceptual learning and plasticity. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, in press.

Hironori Nakatani





Satoshi Hirata



Hirata, S., and Fuwa, K. (2007) Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) learn to act with other individuals in a cooperative task. Primates, 48: 13-21.

Hirata, S. (2007) A note on the responses of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) to live self-images on television monitors. Behavioral Processes, 75: 85-90.

Hirata, S. (2007) Competitive and cooperative aspects of social intelligence in chimpanzees. The Japanese Journal of Animal Psychology, 57(1): 29-40.

Ueno A, Hirata S, Fuwa K, Sugama K, Kusunoki K, Matsuda G, Fukushima H, Hiraki K, Tomonaga M, Hasegawa T (2008) Auditory ERPs to Stimulus Deviance in an Awake Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes): Towards Hominid Cognitive Neurosciences. PLoS ONE 3(1): e1442. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001442

Hirata S (2009) Chimpanzee social intelligence: selfishness, altruism, and the mother-infant bond. Primates 50: 3-11.

Hidehiko Takahashi

"fMRIによる社会感情神経科学―Self-conscious emotionsを中心に”

Consciousneess and Unconsciousneessというテーマから考えると、演者の発表内容は若干、ずれている気もするが、前半に社会情動のなかでもself-conscious emotionsと呼ばれる情動の我々のfMRI研究の結果を紹介したい。Self-conscious emotionsとは自分が他人からどのように評価されているのかを意識しないと成立しない情動である。他人が自分を悪く評価していると感じることが重要な情動にはguiltやembarrassmentがあげられる。反対に、他人が自分を好評価していると認識することが重要であるのはpride(自尊心)である。こうした感情は、向社会行動を維持、促進する働きがあるのでモラル情動ともよばれる。
後半は、英語でpainful emotionと呼ばれるjealousyとenvyについて我々の知見を紹介する。Jealousyとenvyは日常用語では区別なく使われることが多いと思われるが、心理学では両者は区別されて扱われ、jealousyは男女間や兄弟間のjealousyのように、3人の人間が関係するのに対して、envyは2人の人間で成立する点で異なる。fMRIの結果でも両者の神経基盤も異なることが示唆され、特にjealousyではその男女差も認められた。今後は、精神神経疾患におけるこのような情動の障害について検討するとともに、PETを組み合わせてこれらの情動における神経伝達物質の役割を明らかにしていきたい。

Takahashi H, Kato M, Matsuura M, Mobbs D, Suhara T, Okubo Y: When Your Gain is my Pain and Your Pain is my Gain: Neural Correlates of Envy and Schadenfreude. Science (2009) 323: 937-939

Takahashi H, Kato M, Matsuura M, Koeda M, Yahata N, Suhara T, Okubo Y: Neural correlates of human virtue judgment. Cereb Cortex (2008) 18: 1886-1891

Takahashi H, Matsuura M, Koeda M, Yahata N, Suhara T, Kato M, Okubo Y: Brain Activations during Judgments of Positive Self-conscious Emotion and Positive Basic Emotion: Pride and Joy. Cereb Cortex (2008) 18:898-903

Takahashi H, Matsuura M, Yahata N, Koeda M, Suhara T, Okubo Y: Men and women show distinct brain activations during imagery of sexual and emotional infidelity. Neuroimage (2006) 32:1299-1307.

Takahashi H, Yahata N, Koeda M, Matsuda T, Asai K, Okubo Y: Brain activation associated with evaluative processes of guilt and embarrassment: an fMRI study. Neuroimage (2004) 23:967-974.

Thomas J. McHugh
"Putting Fear in Context: Acquisition and consolidation of Hippocampal-dependent conditioning”

The acquisition of Pavlovian fear learning engages the hippocampus when the conditioned stimuli are multimodal or temporally isolated from the unconditioned stimuli. Given the ability of the hippocampus to rapidly and reliably encode space it has been hypothesized that the primary contribution of the structure to this task is in the formation of a representation of the conditioning chamber. By employing a combination of conditional mouse genetics that allows the subregion-specific (CA1, CA3, or DG) blockade of synaptic plasticity or transmission, behavior and in vivo hippocampal physiology we are beginning to understand how the different segments of the hippocampal circuit contribute to the acquisition, consolidation and recall of contextual information

McHugh, TJ and Tonegawa, S. CA3 NMDA Receptors are Required for the Rapid Formation of a Salient Contextual Representation. Hippocampus, Epub July 31, 2009.

Nakashiba, T*, Buhl, DL*, McHugh, TJ*, Tonegawa S. Hippocampal CA3 Output is Crucial for Ripple-Associated Reactivation and Consolidation of Memory. Neuron, 62, 781-787, 2009. * These authors contributed equally

McHugh, TJ *, Jones MW*, Quinn JJ, Balthasar N, Coppari R, Elmquist JK, Lowell BB, Fanselow MS, Wilson MA, Tonegawa S. Dentate gyrus NMDA receptors mediate rapid pattern separation in the hippocampal network. Science. 317(5834):94-9, 2007. * These authors contributed equally

Yumiko Yoshimura



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