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第7回 夏のワークショップ



09:00- 10:00

David Heeger (New York University)

"Traveling waves in visual cortex during binocular rivalry"


立花政夫 (東京大学)



倉田耕治 (琉球大学)



David Heeger
Traveling waves in visual cortex during binocular rivalry

When the two eyes view dissimilar patterns, one experiences a perceptual illusion called binocular rivalry. Instead of seeing both patterns superimposed, they are perceived in alternation. What makes this phenomenon remarkable is the dissociation between a constant physical stimulation and fluctuating perceptual experience. In spite of widespread interest, and an impressive volume of high-quality work on this topic, many of the central questions concerning the neural processing underlying binocular rivalry remain open. Particularly controversial is the role of primary visual cortex (V1) in rivalry. To address this controversy, we are capitalizing on an interesting aspect of the perceptual phenomenon; during an alternation, one sees a traveling wave in which the dominance of one pattern emerges locally and expands progressively as it renders the other pattern invisible. We used fMRI to measure traveling waves of cortical activity in early visual areas accompanying perceptual traveling waves. These waves of activity propagated over subregions of cortex that corresponded retinotopically to the perceptual waves, and the spatiotemporal dynamics of cortical waves co-varied with the propagation speeds of perceptual waves. When attention was diverted from the perceptual waves, there were differing results across visual areas; cortical waves were preserved in V1 but not in extrastriate cortex. Our measurements demonstrate that fMRI can be used to reveal spatiotemporal dynamics of cortical activity with a spatial resolution of  ̄ 3 mm and a temporal resolution of  ̄ 100 ms. Our results suggest: 1) that competition between the two rival stimuli is implemented by neural circuits in V1; 2) that for the consequences of this neural competition to be perceived, activity must advance to higher visual areas; and 3) that attention, mediated by feedback, plays a crucial role in promoting neural activity from V1 to higher visual areas.

Lee, S-H., Blake, R. and Heeger, D.J. (2005) Traveling waves in visual cortex during binocular rivalry. Nature Neuroscience, 8: 22-23.

Heeger, D.J. and Ress, D. (2002) What does fMRI tell us about neuronal activity? Nature Reviews Neuroscience, Feb;3(2):142-51.


脊椎動物において、光情報は、視細胞によって電気信号に変換された後、網膜内で緩電位によって処理され、最終的には神経節細胞の軸索(視神経)を伝導するスパイクによって視覚中枢に伝えられる。しかし、ス パイク列には発火頻度・発火数・発火のタイミング・同期的発火や周期的発火など様々なパラメータがあり、 何れが様々な視覚情報を符号化するのに使われているのかは必ずしも明らかではない。
私達は、捕食動物の接近を模した拡大する黒スポット光刺激に対するカエルの逃避行動に注目し、眼球内に伝 達物質受容体の阻害剤を注入したときの逃避行動の変化を調べると共に、これらの阻害剤によって網膜神経節 細胞におけるスパイク発火の各種パラメータがどのような影響を受けるかを検討した。その結果、網膜神経節 細胞のサブタイプであるオフ持続型細胞(ディミング検出器)群が発生する同期した周期的スパイク発火が逃 避行動に関連する情報を視覚中枢に送っていることが明らかになった。

1. Ishikane, H., Kawana, A., Tachibana, M., (1999) Short- and long-range synchronous activities in dimming detectors of the frog retina. Visual Neuroscience, 16: 1001-1014.

2. Ishikane, H., Gangi, M., Honda, S., Tachibana, M. (2005) Synchronized retinal oscillations encode essential information for escape behavior in frogs. Nature Neuroscience, 8: 1087-1095.


最近発見された場所細胞「グリッド細胞」の受容野は六方格子状に配列した多数の 小領域からなる.この風変わりな受容野を再現する自己組織化モデルを提案する.こ のモデルは同じ2次元位置情報入力を受け取る二つの2次元の自己組織層(SOMまたは LVQ)を持つ.二層のうちの下位層は上位層から反ヘブシナプスを介した抑制入力を受 け取る.反ヘブ学習は上位層の勝者に対し下位層の勝者を統計的に独立に分布させよ うとする.その結果,下位層には多進法表現の下位の桁のような表現が獲得される.

例えば0と1の間に一様分布する実数を小数で表現した場合,小数点以下1桁目と2桁目 の分布は互いに独立であり,2桁目が特定の数になる領域は0から1までの区間に等間 隔で飛び飛びに存在する.提案モデルの下位層の細胞が規則正しく離散的な受容野を 持つのはこれと同じ原理による.

1. J. Shirakura, K. Kurata: Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis by Learning Nerve Fields United by Inhibitory Connections. Systems and Computers in Japan, 35-3, pp.68-78(2004)

2. K. Kurata, N. Oshiro: Separating Visual Information into Position and Direction by SOM, Artificial Life and Robotics, 8-1, pp.5-8(2004)

3. K.Wada, K.Kurata, M.Okada: Self-Organization of Globally Continuous and Locally Distributed Information Representation. Neural Networks, 17-8, pp.1039-1049(2004)

4. N. Oshiro, K. Kurata: Separating Visual Information into Position and Direction by two Inhibitory-Connected SOMs. Artificial Life and Robotics, 9-2, pp.86-89(2005.5)

5. A. Date, K. Kurata: Separation of Position and Direction Information of Robots by a Product Model of Self-Organizing Map and Neural Gas. Systems and Computers in Japan, 36-11, pp.1-11 (2005.10)



©2005 Mechanism of Brain and Mind