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会場地図: |
ノースウイング コンベンションホール 18番ホール |
1月16日(月)-18日(水) | |
「脳内シミュレーション」 "Simulation in the brain" |
16日 | トピックセッション |
18:10-19:00 | 長井志江(大阪大学) |
19:10-20:00 | 千住 淳(University College London) |
20:10-21:00 | Ben Seymour(University College London) |
21:00-23:00 | ポスターセッション |
17日 | スペシャルセッション |
15:30-16:20 | George Dragoi (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) |
16:30-17:20 | Rajesh Rao (University of Washington) |
17:30-18:20 | 吉田和子(University College London) |
20:00-22:00 | ポスターセッション |
18日 | トピックセッション |
9:00-9:50 | 中野珠実(大阪大学) |
10:00-10:50 | 豊泉太郎(理化学研究所) |
11:00-11:50 | 寺前順之助(理化学研究所) |
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冬のワークショップ ポスター | |
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Yukie Nagai
長井志江 Osaka University
Mutual Shaping between Caregivers' Scaffolding and Infants' Development:New
Insights from Cognitive Developmental Robotics
How do caregivers assist infants' development? How do infants influence
caregivers' scaffolding? Despite the important role caregivers play in
infants' development, little is known about the mechanism. I'll present
our synthetic approach to understanding how caregivers and infants
mutually shape their interaction to facilitate infants' development. It
is known that caregivers significantly exaggerate their actions as well
as speech when interacting with infants compared to interacting with
adults. Our synthetic approach using infant-like robots demonstrates how
the exaggeration in caregivers' actions, called motionese, facilitates
learning of infants and how motionese is elicited and shaped by immature
attention of infants.
Y. Nagai and K. J. Rohlfing, "Computational Analysis of Motionese Toward
Scaffolding Robot Action Learning," IEEE Transactions on Autonomous
Mental Development, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 44-54, May 2009.
Y. Nagai, A. Nakatani, and M. Asada, "How a robot's attention shapes the
way people teach," in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference
on Epigenetic Robotics, pp. 81-88, November 2010.
Homepage: http://cnr.ams.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp/~yukie
(All publications are available in the above homepage.)
Atsushi Senjyu
千住 淳
Birkbeck, University of London
Senju, A., Southgate, V., Snape, C., Leonard, M., & Csibra, G. (2011).
Do 18-months-olds really attribute mental states to others? A critical
test. Psychological Science, 22, 878-880.
Senju, A., Southgate, V., White, S., & Frith, U. (2009). Mindblind
eyes: An absence of spontaneous theory of mind in Asperger syndrome.
Science, 325, 883-885.
Senju, A., & Csibra, G. (2008). Gaze following in human infants
depends on communicative signals. Current Biology, 18, 668-671.
Ben Seymour
Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, UCL, London, UK
Consultant Neurologist, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, UK.
Painful Decisions.
What is pain? Philosophers and psychologists have long debated whether
it is an emotion, sensation, or a cognitive state. This argument into
the phenomenological nature of pain has very much influenced human
neuroimaging studies of pain, which have attempted to map brain
regions to distinct components of the pain experience. But after 20
years of neuroimaging, we are not much closer to understanding how
pain is processed in the brain. I will trace the history of theories
of pain, and argue for a new approach. This is based on building a
mechanistic understanding centred on the ecological functions that
pain performs, rather than what pain feels like. This allows us to
take a decision-based approach to the way in which pain shapes our
behaviour and perceptions as a signal of tissue injury. I will show
recent data that suggests a surprisingly different organisation of the
pain system than that traditionally held. This raises important
questions and challenges that pain research needs to address to make
progress towards clinical goals.
George Dragoi
The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Preplay of future place cell sequences by hippocampal cellular assemblies
During spatial exploration, hippocampal neurons display a sequential
firing pattern in which individual neurons fire specifically at the animal?s
locations along the trajectory (place cells). According to the prevalent model
of hippocampal cell assembly activity, place cell firing order is established
for the first time during the exploration to encode the spatial experience and
is subsequently replayed during rest or slow-wave sleep for consolidation of
the encoded experience. In contrast with this model, we report that temporal
sequences of firing of place cells expressed during a novel spatial experience
occurred in a significant number of occasions during the resting or sleeping
period preceding the novel experience. This phenomenon called ?preplay?
occurred in disjunction with sequences of replay of a familiar experience. Upon
repeated exposure to the same track or initial exposure to a contiguous novel
one, the post-run play of place cell sequences became stronger than the pre-run
play, in parallel with an increased stability, spatial-tuning, and coordination
of place cell sequences. Mechanistically, genetic blockade of NMDAR-dependent
plasticity specifically in the upstream area CA3 abolished the
experience-dependent increase in post-run play versus pre-run play and in
parallel delayed the spatial tuning and coordination of place cell sequences
and the acquisition of a delayed alternation task in naïve animals.
Altogether, these results indicate that a novel representation of a first-time
experience on linear tracks is formed in the CA1 area on the framework of the
preconfigured hippocampal network, which is partially reorganized during the
experience and stabilized primarily via CA3 NMDAR-dependent plasticity. The
internal repertoire of the reorganized network can rapidly assimilate related
novel place cell sequences independent of CA3 NMDAR-plasticity and may
represent a neuronal correlate of schema-based accelerated learning.
G. Dragoi and S.Tonegawa "Preplay of future place cell sequences by hippocampal cellular assemblies"
Nature,2011 Jan 20;469(7330):397-401
Rajesh Rao
Neural Systems Laboratory, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Reward Maximization in the Primate Brain: A Probabilistic Model of
Decision Making under Uncertainty
How does the brain learn to make decisions based on noisy sensory
information and incomplete knowledge of the world? There is evidence
that the brain engages in Bayesian inference during perception but how
are such probabilistic representations used to select actions? In this
talk, I will describe a neural model of action selection and decision
making based on the general framework of partially observable Markov
decision processes (POMDPs). The model postulates that actions are
selected so as to maximize the expected sum of rewards, where rewards
can be external (e.g., food) or internal (e.g., penalty for delay).
Action selection is based on the entire posterior distribution over
states (the "belief" state), which is computed using Bayesian
inference. A reinforcement learning algorithm known as temporal
difference (TD) learning maximizes the expected reward. I will show
how such a model provides a unified framework for explaining
experimental results in decision making that involve both information
gathering and overt actions. The resulting neural architecture posits
an active role for the neocortex in Bayesian inference and belief
computation while ascribing a role to the basal ganglia in
belief-based value computation and action selection. The model
suggests an important role for interactions between the neocortex and
the basal ganglia in learning the mapping between probabilistic
sensory representations and actions that maximize rewards.
Wako Yoshida
吉田和子 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, UCL, London, UK
Watching you, watching me, watching you
Making choices during strategic social interactions requires the
representation and updating of the goals of others. We developed a
computational model of Theory of Mind with ‘recursive sophistication’:
in which my model of your goals includes a model of your model of my
goals; and so on ad infinitum. By applying this model to the analysis
of human brain imaging data, we have shown how different regions of
the prefrontal cortex engage distinct component functions to achieve
this, revealed by their correlation with distinct parameters of belief
inference. Furthermore, we extended this approach to study autism
spectrum conditions and have shown considerable diagnostic
heterogeneity in what has otherwise appeared to be a uniform
diagnostic category. Our findings provide the first quantitative
approach that can reveal the underlying computational dysfunctions
that generate the autistic ‘spectrum’.
Yoshida W, Dolan RJ and Friston KJ.
Game theory of mind.
PLoS Computational Biology. 4(12), 2008.
Yoshida W, Seymour B, Friston KJ and Dolan RJ.
Neural mechanisms of belief inference during cooperative games.
The Journal of Neuroscience. 30(32), 10744-10751, 2010.
Tamami Nakano
我々ヒトは無意識に瞬目を1分間あたり20回もおこなっている。しかし、眼球湿潤の ためには3回/分程度で十分であることから、なぜ頻回に瞬目を行うのか、という疑問 は未だに解明されていない。そこで、映画鑑賞時の人々の瞬目のタイミングを調べた ところ、映画の非明示的な切れ目で瞬目のタイミングが同期することを発見した。さ らに、対面会話時の話し手と聞き手の間の瞬目のタイミングを調べたところ、話し手 の瞬目から数百ミリ秒後に聞き手の瞬目が有意に増加していた。さらに、この瞬目の 引き込みは、話の切れ目で生じた話者の瞬目に対して選択的に生じていたのである。 このような話者に対する聞き手の瞬目引き込みは、コミュニケーションの障害が主症 状の自閉症スペクトラム障害の成人では生じていなかった。これらの発見を基に、自 発性瞬目の機能的役割について議論したい。
Related papers
Nakano T, Yamamoto Y, Kitajo K, Takahashi T, Kitazawa S. Synchronization of spontaneous eye blinks while viewing video stories. Proceeding Royal Society of London: B 276:3635-44 (2009)
Nakano T, Kitazawa S.Eyeblink entrainment at breakpoints of speech. Experimental Brain Research. 205(4):577-81 (2010)
Nakano T.,Kato, N., Kitazawa S. Lack of eyeblink entrainments in autism spectrum disorders. Neuropsychologia 49(9):2784-90 (2011)
Taro Toyoizumi
豊泉太郎 独立行政法人理化学研究所 脳科学総合研究センター
Jun-nosuke Teramae
寺前順之介 理化学研究所脳科学総合研究センター、JSTさきがけ
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科学技術振興機構CREST「脳神経回路」領域 | |
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新学術領域研究「精神機能の自己制御理解にもとづく思春期の人間形成支援学」 | |
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日本神経回路学会 | |
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