January 9 (Wed) to 11 (Fri), 2019
Rusutsu Resort Hotel , Hokkaido, Japan |
Registration fee : 2,000 yen ( Student : free )

Theme: "Cognitive development and its disorders : From the viewpoint of predictive coding" |
January 9 |
Special Session |
18:10-19:00 | Caroline Catmur (King’s College London) |
19:10-20:00 | Ryuichiro Hashimoto (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Showa University) |
20:10-21:00 | James Kilner (University College London) |
21:00-23:00 | Poster session |
January 10 |
Topic Session |
15:30-16:20 | Jean-Jacques Slotine (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) |
16:30-17:20 | Rebecca Lawson ( University of Cambridge) |
17:30-18:20 | Yuichi Yamashita(National Center of Neurology Psychiatry) |
20:00-22:00 | Poster session |
January 11 |
Topic Session |
8:50-9:00 | Announcement of Poster presentation awards |
9:00-9:50 | Noriko Osumi (Tohoku University) |
10:00-10:50 | Tetsuya Takahashi (University of Fukui) |
11:00-11:50 | Tomonori Takeuchi(Aarhus University) |
Poster Application Form:
*Pleae visit the link below for submission:
Submission Deadline: The submission has been closed on Friday, December 14
*Pleae visit the link below for the Poster Session Program (tentative)
*If you have any questions regaridng the poster application, please feel free to contact at
Excellent poster presentations will be selected from all poster presentations on the basis of the voted scores from senior attendees. It is strongly encouraged to make your presentation attractive and interesting.
*Pleae visit the link below:
*Please change the language.
Registration Deadline: The registration has been closed on Friday, December 14